Saturday 3 January 2009

Finally Homesick

Ok, I admit it, I miss you all, though lets face it, some more than others. Yes I am officially homesick! So its just as well that I am on my final night on Ometepe, and heading towards Granada and then home, stopping only in Masaya to buy you all loas of brilliant pressies (ok probabaly a load of old nica crap!) Anyway, I have had a great time here over the last week, I ave hiked a preety huge volcano, the top of which was like the end of the world, howling winds, pissing rain, mud up to my knees and rats! Not quite what I expected but I made it. You will have to take my word for it too as I accidentally deleted all the pictures coz I was so tired aftewards(no really I did!) Anyway, it nearly killed me and I ma having trouble walking.

Today I went kayaking and saw a real live alligator (of which I do have a picture). Tomorrow I have a day of travelling which will involve a 3.5 hours chicken bus ride across the island, a 2 hours 'chicken ferry' trip, a taxi (which for the record is no more luxurious than the bus but at least minus the chickens) then another chicken bus and then prbably another taxi. Then I will be in the sanctity of Granada. I am staying at the Oasis hostel so lets hope it is just that!

So, as my travels come to an end I am looking forward to seeing you all again, a good roast dinner in the pub with you all, decent red wine, watching the new Che film (none of you are to watch it without me) and a good old binge. And you of course Zac! Oh and being a total travel bore for the next month. Ha! You all need to tell me what you want me to bring you back from out here. And be realistic please. So far it seems there are hammocks, rum, coffee or tack. And dont all say hammocks coz only have one bag and it is already filled with a load of my crap!

Hasta Pronto Mi Amigos! xxxx