Wednesday 17 December 2008

El mito de la atletisimo chica Inglesa!

Lets get one thing striaght. People in Nicaragua do not run. anywhere. Unless they have absolutely have to. They sit. On the street, in bars, on bikes, on horses, in the backs of pick up trucks, on buses that date back to 1950s and go so slow it is actually quicker to run. Running is just not in the Nica psyche. The sight of me running through Esteli town center is therefore quite a strange one apparently.

My decision to do this peculiar activity is down to three reasons 1. Nicaraguans kive on a diet of tortilla, rice, potatos, bread, beans, pancakes, and cafe, and more bread. Carns anyone? No wanted to return home to a new life of singledom I think it best that I partake in one cariovasucular activity when possible. 2. The showers are so cold at my casa that you need to get hot enbough to firm it. 3. The third and final reason is prpobably the most important one. We lkive next to a butchers, and every morning at about 6.30am they slaughter whatever it is they plan to sell that day. Yes really. Just the otherside the the wall. The first morning it was chickens and I though they were just having difficulty laying their eggs that morning. The next day it was pigs and there was not mistaking it. Ear plugs dont work, and nor does the ipod even on full blast. Apparently you get used to it. I dont want to. goung for a run means I miss the massacre and am back in time for breakfast. Welcome to Nicaragua chica vegetariana!

In fact, I absolutely love my moring runs through town. The sun is coming up, and everything is just starting to wake up and come to life: people opening their shops, brushing down pavements, selling newspapers, strolling to work or piled high on the backs of toyota trucks, whole families crammed onto bikes that wobble along. The morning is where you see the porrest of Esteli too; the shoe shiners, the people sleeping rough on benches, the very old carrying huge baskets of fruit to sell that day in Parque Central.

It is fair to say I get some very confused looks from passers by, people stop and stare, some point, some laugh, some whistle, cars swerve, taxis offer me a lift (ha ha!) but most dont really know whats going on until I gone. By the time I am back I have missed the murder, can brave the shower and am ready to learn some Spanish. What a way to start the day!


andreigsu said...

Cracked up reading you! guess next thing to do is to organise a demonstration to stop the'll be a good way of improving your spanish... you could start organising the masses while jogging ... bringing together the perplexed passers-by ... un beso, Andrei

Mum said...

Briliant blog - you could do some veggie cookong and open a stall on the street to convert people! is your Spanish up to it by now?
Esteli sounds a fascinating place -and you probably have a future career as a travel writer.
Hope you don't wear your very shortest shorts when out running - that might be just too much culture shock!
Love and kisses
Mum and Dad

Mum said...

lovely to get your phone call today!
I am so envious - it is cold, dark and damp here. The most exciting thing is that yesterday was the winter silstice so things can only get better and we stomped around a soggy allotment today planting shallots! A bit far removed from galloping a horse through the nicaraguan forest.
ps I think your Spanish is impressive!!
have a great time on the coast.