Tuesday 30 December 2008

Nuevo Años Con Me Solamente

So, i am offically solo travelling again. I arrived in Granad today from Leon after leaving my chaotic but trueoy brilliant friend Jessica in Leon. I can{t actualy believe that I have spent the last week with an American! yes thats right, a yank! She wont mind me saying it, she is more fucked off that I am. So no more beers for breakfast, horrendous bus rides, beach games, chain smoking, card tournaments or rum. Sigh. e got wrecklessly dunk for our last evening together though. Girls I have to admit I actually feel like I have been cheating on you!

Anyway, Granada is a world away from where I have just come from, tons of tourists, posh(ish) bars and tons of tack to buy. I am only here for the night though, first thing tomorrow I go South and takemthe boat across Largo de Nicaragua to an island which is basically two volcanoes to say in a little Cabaña (little hut thingy) for New Years. I have stocked up on Red Wine and I plan to watch the sunset from my balcony and look out over the lake as the New Year comes in. idylic hey? and no binge! New Years day I plan to hike up one of the volcanoes and kayak to money Island. It is going to be very stange without you all, but soon enough I will be back. Happy New Year to you all! and get wrecked for me please ladies (and that includes you Mum!)

Hasta Pronto! Kate

1 comment:

Mum said...

I will have a drink for you!!
By the way, janet says there are sharks in lake Nicaragua!!
Happy New Year and we are missing you!