Monday 22 December 2008

Vamos a la playa!

So today is my last day in Esteli. I catch the bus to Leon in an hour on route to the beach for Christmas. Sun, sea, sand, hammocks and Rum await me at Playa Juillillo (try saying that when you are drunk!)

As a way of saying adios to Esteli - my first destination in Nica and the place that taught me all the Español I know - I am dedicating todays blog to this fine place.

Here are some things I dont want to ever forget about Esteli and a few things I am pretty sure I wont.

1. Running through town as the sun begins to rise, confusing the locals no end and causing traffic jams.

2. Listening to locals play Silvio Rodrigez on the guitar over bottles of rum in Cafe Luz

3. The market - all the fuit you can possibly imagine, piled as high as the sky. Some one please explain to mw why therefore you cannot find a salad anywhere in this place!

4. Esculela Horizonte - my Spanish school and my profesora Indira to whom I owe my still extremely poor gramma and mis-congugation of pretty much all the verbs I know.

5. La Cassita - a beautiful little hide-away in the mountains where you can eat humous (!) and drink smoothies in the sunshine surrounded by Mango trees.

6. Miraflor - a community cooperative high in the mountains above Esteli. Cascadas, sunsets, more stars than I have ever seen in my life put together and being able to see Honduras while riding on horseback!

7. My host family - mi padres de Nica! Its not their fault they live next to a slaughter house right?

9. Riding the bus Nica style. An experience in itself

10. El Hipico de Esteli - a huge street party with cowboys from across the country. Not to forget the Hummers and exotic limosines. yes really! and huge fucking bulls! Bareback. God.

11. Drymouth! What is it with this place?

12. Being woken up by birds, chickens, pigs, dogs and god knows what else at 4am 4.30am 5am 5.30 am....

13. It taking a whole day or hourse riding to learn how to say "left" in Spanish. Very necessary when your horse keeps trying to go home! = Izquierda!

14. Scruffy britches the dog nearly biting my hand off when I tried to take a cute picture of it for Zac - fucking thing chewed a bloody hole in my camera!

15. Rice and beans, and egg, for breakfast lunch and tea. Salad anyone?

So there we are Esteli in a nut shell. Merry Crimbo to you all! I hope to bring you my next message in Espanol!

Muchos Besos! x


Mum said...

Have a gorgeous beach holiday - I am sure your Spanish is much better than you think!
How do you say'The mosquitos are biting my bottom through my hammock!'
Thinking of you as yet another grey damp day dawns!
Bracing walk by a grey sea beckoning.
Lots of love and kisses
Mum and Dadxxxxxxxx

Mum said...

Your card from Nica plopped onto our doormat today - lovely!!
I am logged in as a blogger but don't know how to do it so I am just putting a tail on your blogs sorry for the pathetic lack of tecchie skill!
Have a lovely beach Christmas - we will raise a glass to you tomorrow, or several.

andreigsu said...

Have a terrific beach holiday...I'll toast to your health and happiness while celebrating Colombian Christmas tonight....Merry Christmas, Luv, Andrei

Mum said...

Merry Christmas Kate
Love Mum and Dad

maia said...

Merry xmas my fellow pagan! Please get a mojito for me and toast your glass with it. No, you won't look silly toasting yourself, don't worry! Hope the sand is fine and the water warm. Love, Maia xxxxx